





联系人 吴先生


发货地 安徽省滁州市
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品牌 天康
芯数 2
材料形状 圆形
电线最大外径 5mm
绝缘厚度 1.0
产品认证 GB/T4989-94及JB/T7495-94
净重 60KG/KM
适用范围 热电偶的引线
单线标称直径 1.5
标称截面 1.0
绝缘层材质 PVC
护层材质 PVC
绝缘层厚度 0.6
护层厚度 1.0

补偿导向与补偿电缆是在一定温度范围内(包括常温)具 有与所匹配的热电偶的热电动势值相同的一对或多对带有绝 缘层的导线或电缆,用它们连接热电偶与测量装置,以补偿它 们与热电偶连接处的温度变化所产生的误差,补偿导线与补 偿电缆分为延长型和补偿型两种。 Compensational wire & cable are cables & wires with one pair or multi-pair and insulated layer with the same Pyro-EMF value of matched thermocouple within certain temperature. They are used to connect thermocouple and measuring devices to compensate the error resulting from temperature change on connection part. They are divided into two type including extension type and compensational type. 一、生产执行标准 GB/T4989-94及JB/T7495-94 Executive standard: GB/T4989-94 & JB/T7495-94 二、使用条件 Working Condition 1、工作温度:Working Temperature 耐热用:最高200℃和260℃两种。 一般用:最高70℃和105℃两种。 Max. 200℃&260℃ for heat resistant cable Max. 70℃&105℃ for common cable 2、最低环境温度:Min Environment Temperature 氟塑料绝缘和护套线缆:固定敷设-60℃,非固定敷 设-20℃。 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套线缆:固定敷设-40℃,非固定敷 设-15℃。 Wire & cable with fl uoroplastic insulation and sheath: -60℃ for fi xed installation, -20℃ for non-fi xed installation Wire & cable with PVC insulation and sheath: -40℃ for fi xed installation, -15℃ for non-fi xed installation 3、允许弯曲半径: a)有铜带屏蔽的补偿电缆,应不小于电缆外径的16倍; b)其它结构的补偿电缆,应不小于电缆外径的10倍。 Bending radius: It should be no less than 16 times that of cable outer diameter for compensational cable with copper tape shielding. It should be no less than 10 times that of cable outer diameter for compensational cable with other structure. 三、型号、名称 Type and Description 一)补偿导线Compensational Wire 型号Type 名称Description KX-GS-VV 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套一般用精密级K分度热电偶用补偿导线 Precise grade compensational wire for thermocouple of K graduation with PVC insulation and sheath for general purpose KX-GS-VPV 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套铜丝编织屏蔽一般用精密级K分度热电偶用屏蔽补偿导线 Precise grade compensational wire for thermocouple of K graduation with PVC insulation and sheath, copper wire braided shielding for general purpose KX-HS-FF 氟塑料绝缘和护套耐热用精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿导线 Precise grade high temperature compensational wire for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation and sheath for heat resistant purpose KX-HS-FP1 F 氟塑料绝缘和护套镀锡铜丝编织屏蔽耐热用精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿导线 Precise grade high temperature compensational wire for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation and sheath, tinned copper wire braided shielding for heat resistant purpose KX-HS-FB 聚四氟绝缘、玻璃丝编织护套耐热用精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿导线 Precise grade high temperature compensational wire for thermocouple of K graduation with F4 insulation and glass wire braided sheath for heat resistant purpose KX-HS-FBP1 聚四氟乙烯带绕包绝缘玻璃丝编织,镀锡铜丝编织屏蔽,玻璃丝编织外护套耐热用精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿导线 Precise grade high temperature compensational wire for thermocouple of K graduation with F46 wrapped insulation glass wire braiding, tinned copper wire braided shielding and glass wire braided outer sheath for heat resistant purpose KX-HS-FP1 V105 氟塑料绝缘镀锡铜丝编织屏蔽耐热105℃聚氯乙烯护套耐热用精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿导线 Precise grade high temperature compensational wire for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, tinned copper wire braided shielding, 105℃ heat resistant and PVC sheath for heat resistant purpose 注:普通级补偿导线型号表示方法:在精密级补偿导线型号基础上去掉字母 “S”即可(下同)。 Note: type-naming method of common grade compensational wire: “S” should be omitted on the basis of precise grade compensational wire type. www.tiankang.com 66 二)补偿电缆 Compensational Cable 型号Type 名称Description KX-GS-VV 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞聚氯乙烯护套一般用精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precise grade compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with PVC insulation and twinning PVC sheath for general purpose KX-GS-VPV 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织分屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套一般用精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precise grade compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with PVC insulation, twinning copper wire braided individual shielding, PVC sheath for general purpose KX-GS-VPVP 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套一般用精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precise grade compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with PVC insulation, twinning copper wire braided individual & general shielding, PVC sheath for general purpose KX-GS-VVP 聚氯乙烯绝缘对绞铜丝编织总屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套一般用精密级K分度热电偶用补偿电缆 Precise grade compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with PVC insulation, twinning copper wire braided general shielding, PVC sheath for general purpose KX-HS-FF 氟塑料绝缘对绞氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation and twinning Fluoroplastic sheath KX-HS-FP1 F 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, twinning tinned copper wire braided individual shielding and Fluoroplastic sheath KX-HS-FP1FP1 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽和总屏蔽氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, twinning tinned copper wire braided individual & general shielding and Fluoroplastic sheath KX-HS-FFP1 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织总屏蔽氟塑料护套精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, twinning tinned copper wire braided general shielding and Fluoroplastic sheath KX-HS-FV105 氟塑料绝缘对绞耐热105℃聚氯乙烯护套 精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, twinning 105℃ heat resistant PVC sheath KX-HS-FP1 V105 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏蔽耐热105℃聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, twinning tinned copper wire braided individual shielding 105℃ heat resistant PVC sheath KX-HS-FP1 V105P1 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织分屏总屏蔽耐热105℃聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, twinning tinned copper wire braided individual and general shielding 105℃ heat resistant PVC sheath KX-HS-FV105P1 氟塑料绝缘对绞镀锡铜丝编织总屏蔽耐热105℃聚氯乙烯护套精密级K分度热电偶用高温补偿电缆 Precise grade high temperature compensational cable for thermocouple of K graduation with Fluoroplastic insulation, twinning tinned copper wire braided general shielding 105℃ heat resistant PVC sheath 注:1、其它型号补偿导线如:KC、JX、SC、EX、NC、TX等,只需改写型号的 第一项,如:EX-G-VV、TX-H-FVP等; 2、需导体为多股软芯时,应在原型号后加“R”表示,如:TX-G-VVPR; 3、还可根据需要提供聚乙烯(Y)绝缘、交联聚乙烯(YJ)绝缘补偿电缆。 4、补偿电缆屏蔽层也可采用金属带绕包形式,如:复合铝带(P3)、复合铜带 (P2); 5、需阻燃型补偿电缆,应在原型号前加“ZR-”。 6、需铠装型补偿电缆,应在原型号后加“-22”表示钢带铠装;加“-32”表示 钢丝铠装。 7、需本安型补偿电缆,应在原型号前加“ia-”表示。 Note: 1: The fi rst part of type is changed for indication of compensational wires of other types such as KC,JX,SC,EX,NC,TX etc. eg. EX-G-VV、TXH-FVP 2: Suffi x “R”is added to the original type for indication of cable with soft multi-strand core. eg. TX-G-VVPR 3: We also produce compensational cable with PE (Y) insulation or XLPE (YJ) insulation if needed. 4: Shielding layer material of compensational cable includes metallic tape wrapping such as compound aluminum tape(P3)and compound copper tape(P2). 5: Prefix “ZR-” is added to the original type for indication of flame retardant type compensational cable. 6: Suffix “-22” is added to the original type for indication of compensational cable with steel tape armor, “-32”for that with steel wire armor. 7: Prefix “ia-” is added to the original type for indication of intrinsic safety type compensational cable. ANHUI TIANKANG(GROUP)SHARES CO.,LTD. 67 四、规格范围 Specifi cation Range 名称 Name 线芯对数 Pair No. of core 标称截面 mm2 Nominal cross section area 线芯结构 Core structure A R 补偿导线 compensational wire 1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1/0.80 7/0.30 1/1.13 7/0.43 补偿电缆 compensational cable 1~19 1/1.37 7/0.52 1/1.76 19/0.41 五、主要技术要求 Main Technical Requirement 产品型号 Type 补偿导线及电缆线芯 Compensational wire & cable core 补偿导线绝缘层着色 Insulation color of compensational wire 配用热电偶分度号 Thermocouple graduation 正极plus 负极minus 正极plus 负极minus SC or RC 铜Cu 铜镍0.6 Cu-Ni 红red 绿green S(铂铑10-铂)或 R(铂铑13-铂) S (PtRh10-PT) or R (PtRh13-PT) KCA 铁Fe 铜镍22 Cu-Ni 红red 蓝blue K(镍铬-镍硅) K (NiCr-NiSi) KCB 铜Cu 铜镍40 Cu-Ni 红red 蓝blue KX 镍铬10 Ni-Cr 10 镍硅3 Ni-Si 红red 黑black EX 镍铬10 Ni-Cr 10 铜镍45 Cu-Ni 红red 棕brown E(镍铬-铜镍) E (NiCr-NiSi) JX 铁Fe 铜镍45 Cu-Ni 红red 紫violet J(铁-铜镍) J (Fe-CuNi) TX 铜Cu 铜镍45 Cu-Ni 红red 白white T(铜-铜镍) T (Cu-CuNi) NC 铁Fe 铜镍18 Cu-Ni 红red 灰grey N(镍铬硅-镍硅) NX N (NiCrSi-NiSi) 镍铬14硅 Ni-Cr 14 Si 镍硅4 Ni-Si 红red 灰grey 六、补偿导线与补偿电缆使用分类、等级及护套着色 Category, Class mark and Sheath Color of Compensational Cable and Wire 使用 分类 Category 标志 代号 Mark code 允差等级及标志 Error allowance grade & mark 护套着色 Sheath color 普通级 Common grade 精密级 Precise grade 普通级 Common grade 精密级 Precise grade 本安型 Intrinsic safety 一般用general G 省略omitted S 黑色black 灰色grey 蓝色blue 耐热用 Heat resistance H 黑色black 黄色yellow 蓝色blue 注:在旧标准GB4989-85中,普通级用B表示,精密级用A表示。 Note: In early version of GB4989-85 standard, B stands for common grade; A stands for precise grade. 七、补偿导线及补偿电缆热电特性及允差表 Pyro - electric Character and Error Allowance of Compensational Cable and Wire www.tiankang.com 68 型号 Type 使用分类 Category 导线温度范围 ℃ Tem range of cable&wire 热电动势及允差μV Pyro EMF 热电偶测量端 温度℃ Measuring end tem. of thermocouple 20℃时往复电阻值 ≤Ω/m Reciprocating resistance at 20℃ 热电势 Pyro EMF 精密级 Precise grade 普通级 Common grade 0.5 mm2 1.0mm2 1.5mm2 1.5mm2 SC&RC G 0~100 646 ±30(±2.5℃) ±60(±5.0℃) 1000 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.02 H 0~200 1440 / ±60(±5.0℃) KCA G 0~100 4095 ±60(±1.5℃) ±100(±2.5℃) 1000 1.40 0.70 0.47 0.28 H 0~200 8137 900 KCB G 0~100 4095 900 1.04 0.52 0.35 0.21 KX G -20~100 4095 900 2.20 1.10 0.73 0.44 H -25~200 8137 900 EX G -20~100 6317 ±120(±1.5℃) ±200(±2.5℃) 500 2.50 1.25 0.83 0.50 H -25~200 13419 500 JX G -20~100 5268 ±85(±1.5℃) ±140(±2.5℃) 500 1.30 0.65 0.43 0.26 H -25~200 10777 500 TX G -20~100 4277 ±30(±0.5℃) ±60(±1.0℃) 300 1.04 0.52 0.35 0.21 H 25~200 9285 ±48(±0.8℃) ±90(±1.5℃) 300 NC G 0~100 2774 ±60(±1.5℃) ±100(±2.5℃) 900 1.50 0.75 0.50 0.30 H 0~200 5912 900 NX G -20~100 2774 900 2.86 1.43 0.95 0.57 H -25~200 5912 900 八、其它参数指标 Other Parameter Indices 项目 Item 单位 Unit 参数指标Parameter Indices PVC绝缘 PVC insulation PE、XLPE、F46&F绝缘 PE、XLPE、F46&F insulation 绝缘电阻Insulated resistance MΩ.km 25 100 电压试验 Voltage test V/1min 1000 阻燃性能Flame resistant performance 符合GB/T18380-2001阻燃标准中A、B、C类规定。 Meet the requirement of fl ame retardance of category A, B,C stipulated in GB/T18380-2001 standard

公司名称 安徽天康股份有限公司
联系卖家 吴先生
手机 ῧῤῤῧ-ῦῧῥῢῢῧῡ
地址 安徽省滁州市