配重块模具 预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作
配重块模具 预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作
配重块模具 预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作
配重块模具 预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作
配重块模具 预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作
配重块模具 预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作
配重块模具 预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作






联系人 边进辉 经理



发货地 河北省保定市
立即询价 进入商铺


手机扫码 快速查看


品牌 乐丰模具
货号 配重块模具
主要加工设备 切割机 折弯机 焊机
加工设备数量 130台
作用对象 混凝土成型
用途 道路工程
适用范围 石油管道
质量体系 ISO9001

配重块模具  预制配重块模具 乐丰按需制作


The counterweight mould is a kind of counterweight mould used in the pipeline. Of course, the usage rate of this product is relatively high when it is used specifically, because many times we need to use the pipeline counterweight mould. These products have complete specifications and models, and they are more economical and affordable. They are specialized in processing and customizing various specifications of products, especially in the process of transporting oil Pipe counterweight die is very important, if the production is not good, there will be a variety of problems, so the pipe counterweight die is one of the indispensable products in the specific construction. The shape of this kind of mold product is very large. Because of its large size, it can not be produced by injection molding machine, and can only be welded by artificial steel plate. The pipeline counterweight die is mainly used in oil pipeline, natural gas pipeline and other pipeline projects. Its shape is large-scale U-shaped, and its main function is to protect the pipeline, including the reversed pipeline protection.

配重块模具  预制配重块模具 关键因素


The production factor of counterweight die is the key to reduce the manufacturing cost as much as possible. At present, many mold manufacturers in other countries, counterweight mold price, sell products to China, which is an opportunity for counterweight mold industry. China can see its own shortcomings, learn from them, improve the defects of curbstone mold, and make the quality and shape of curbstone mold more. Whether the mold is practical or not is very important, in fact, the quality is very important. In the early stage of the production of the mold, we should choose a reasonable design of the mold structure scheme, strictly follow the drawings during the production, and fully consider the technical requirements of the products. There are many dimensions and specifications of counterweight mould. With the accumulation of these years, there are hundreds of kinds of mould. However, the requirements of high-speed and high-speed railway engineering for steel mould are higher and higher. The continuous development of new mould has a direct impact on the product price. Each set of mould requires labor cost, installation cost, mold opening cost, etc. if the quantity is large, the added cost of each mould The price is relatively small. When purchasing or inquiring about the mold, the size and quantity of the product play a decisive role.

公司名称 保定市清苑区乐丰模盒模具加工厂
联系卖家 边进辉 (QQ:873416854)
电话 㠗㠙㠙㠙㠙㠒㠒㠙㠒㠗㠒
手机 㠗㠙㠙㠙㠙㠒㠒㠙㠒㠗㠒
传真 㠖㠙㠗㠒-㠔㠘㠛㠒㠙㠛㠙
地址 河北省保定市