卧式化粪池模具 圆形卧式化粪池模具 出模步骤图
卧式化粪池模具 圆形卧式化粪池模具 出模步骤图
卧式化粪池模具 圆形卧式化粪池模具 出模步骤图
卧式化粪池模具 圆形卧式化粪池模具 出模步骤图
卧式化粪池模具 圆形卧式化粪池模具 出模步骤图
卧式化粪池模具 圆形卧式化粪池模具 出模步骤图






联系人 边进辉 经理



发货地 河北省保定市
立即询价 进入商铺


手机扫码 快速查看


品牌 乐丰模具
货号 卧式化粪池模具
工艺类型 焊接成型
作用对象 混凝土
主要加工设备 切割机 折弯机 机床 焊机
加工设备数量 150台
适用范围 市政工程
质量体系 ISO9001
模具材质 钢板

卧式化粪池模具  圆形卧式化粪池模具 出模步骤图


The production principle of horizontal septic tank mold is to customize the steel mold on the basis of the required cubic number, with the diameter and length as the reference data and the production data of 20, 30, 40 and 50 cubic meters as the main data. At present, the areas where the mold is used are concentrated in large cities, and most of them are prefabrication plants. Therefore, from the perspective of production mode of septic tank mold, it needs to adopt technical type, such as the material selection of steel plate is neither too thick nor too thin, and the weight of each set of mold needs to be controlled within a certain range, so as to reduce the production cost. And often each mold model will choose several. The product introduction standard of integrated septic tank mould is mainly produced by the manufacturer. The main technical difficulty lies in the manufacture of arc-shaped plug on both sides, which requires the use of various plug forms. It is necessary to ensure its beauty and practicality. Therefore, the whole formwork butt joint method and densification of welding density are required during the manufacture, so as to ensure the service life of each set of formwork It is limited to more than 3 years, and according to the cylindrical structure, the wall thickness is often less than 10 cm, which can not only save concrete materials, but also increase its practicability.

卧式化粪池模具  圆形卧式化粪池模具 工艺特点


The design of horizontal septic tank mould is based on foreign treatment technology, combined with the practice of scientific research achievements in China, adopting high polymer composite material and industrialized production, which is a high-efficiency, energy-saving, light-weight and cheap domestic sewage treatment equipment. It has successfully replaced the traditional brick and steel septic tank which pollutes the groundwater quality and affects the safety of surrounding buildings due to leakage and poor operation conditions. Using the principle of gravity flow of water, it does not need any external power and operation cost, saves energy and convenient management, and has good social, environmental and economic benefits. In addition, it is worth noting that the septic tank is in the leaching tank. The discharge pipe from the GRP septic tank is a buried perforated pipe or pipe, and the leaching field or leech field is called a network. The tube elevation septic tank is maintained almost at any time, allowing bacteria to "digest" almost all the solids into the tank. The remaining liquid is dispersed into the soil through porous tubes. It has good environmental protection results, especially suitable for the reform of the upper water channel system in the old city construction area to set up septic tanks, with the advantages of flexible garden choice. The arrangement construction is convenient, the material of the product is light, and the arrangement construction is easy. High compressive strength this product adopts the spherical arch type plan, with high compressive strength. According to the relevant part of the test, each functional target is suitable for the plan request. After the completion of the placement, the floor is well prepared. After several tests, the 15 ton truck is rolled on the upper part without settlement and unchanged type. It can be seen that the septic tank can stand the test and trust after practical verification.

公司名称 保定市清苑区乐丰模盒模具加工厂
联系卖家 边进辉 (QQ:873416854)
电话 잵잰잰잰잰잭잭잰잭잵잭
手机 잵잰잰잰잰잭잭잰잭잵잭
传真 재잰잵잭-잳잱잴잭잰잴잰
地址 河北省保定市